Nada Almarwani


I am a PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at the George Washington University, working in the NLP lab CARE4Lang advised by Dr.Mona Diab.


The core of my current research is Textual Entailment Recognition (TE), which involves capturing semantic inference between pairs of text fragments. It is a challenging and important task for different NLP applications, such as QA, IR, and IE. At the moment, I am working on building a system that is based on various machine learning algorithms such as SVM, TKSVM and deep learning approaches for monolingual and cross lingual TE recognition.


Mona Diab, Mahmoud Ghoneim, Abdelati Hawwari, Fahad AlGhamdi, Nada AlMarwani and Mohamed Al-Badrashiny. “Creating a large Multi-Layered Representational Repository of Linguistic Code Switched Arabic Data” LREC. 2016